for permanent* hair removal

Haarfreiheit is popular – you will find us at more and more locations.
Of course, also near you. We look forward to welcoming you soon in one of our institutes.

Graphic germany locations Haarfreiheit

Professional treatments are a special sign of quality. For this reason, we strive to offer this quality at as many locations as possible, so that you can enjoy our excellent service. We are represented with our institutes in more and more places. Arrange a free consultation in an institute near you.

Icon Xenogel
Castle Photo cityphoto Karlsruhe

Institute Karls­ruhe

Kaiserstraße 110
76133 Karlsruhe

0721 / 61 934 200

Background honeycom pattern pale pink
Photo Heidelberg

Institute Heidel­berg

Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 1
69117 Heidelberg

06221 / 187 67 67

Photo Mannheim

Institute Mann­heim

M7, 16-18
68161 Mannheim

0621 / 58 67 490

Background honeycom pattern
Photo Pforzheim

Institute Pforz­heim

Westliche-Karl-Friedrichstraße 70
75172 Pforzheim

07231 / 20 43 500

Background pale honeycomb
Photo Stuttgart

Institute Stutt­gart

Silberburgstraße 142
70176 Stuttgart

0711 / 286 969 69

Banner Frau Mann
Standort Foto Impression Weinheim

Institute Weinheim

Skyline Photo Frankfurt

Institute Frank­furt

Saalgasse 8
60311 Frankfurt

069 / 8700 979 0

Background honeycom pattern
Photo museum Wiesbaden

Institute Wies­baden

Wilhelmstrasse 18 
65185 Wiesbaden 

0611 / 949 100 30

Background neutral flaire
City photo Darmstadt

Institute Darm­stadt

Schulstraße 18
64283 Darmstadt

06151 / 394 51 61

Standort Foto Impression Bensheim

Institute Bensheim

Promenadenstraße 6-8
64625 Bensheim

06251 / 826 89 80

Background honeycom pattern dark
Photo Saarbruecken

Institute Saar­brücken

Bahnhofstraße 61/63
66111 Saarbrücken

0681 / 387 50 40

citiy photo stadion Kaiserslautern

Institute Kaisers­lautern

Lutrinastraße 27
67655 Kaiserslautern

0631 / 343 735 20

market place photo Mainz

Institute Mainz

Große Bleiche 3
55116 Mainz

06131 / 62 457 70

Background honeycom pattern pink
city photo night Ludwigshafen

Institute Ludwigs­hafen

Bahnhofstraße 13-15
61059 Ludwigshafen

0621 / 702 92 333

Standort Foto Impression Speyer

Institute Speyer

Korngasse 28
67346 Speyer

06232 / 684 98 80

Banner Frau Mann
Standort Foto Impression Neustadt

Institute Neustadt

Friedrichstraße 19
67433 Neustadt an der Weinstraße

0632 / 196 529 60

Standort Foto Impression Landau

Institute Landau

Westbahnstraße 7
76829 Landau

06341 / 681 09 89

Background honeycom pattern
city photo tower bridge Worms

Institute Worms

Prinz Carl Anlage 22
67547 Worms 

0800 / 000 73 00

Background honeycom pattern petrol dark
photo Frankenthal

Institute Franken­thal

Schlossergasse 1
67221 Frankenthal

06233 / 30 417 30


Give us a call or write to us:


WhatsApp: 0721 61 934 200


Phone0721 / 619 34 200




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