per­manent* hair removal Karlsruhe

Information about prices at Haarfreiheit Karlsruhe | Enjoy the best service and state-of-the-art technology from your expert

prices and packages
Icon best technic

Competence and optimal service quality

Rely on the expertise of your Haarfreiheit’s experts

Separator Beauty Satisfaction

medical & cosmetic professionals
medical cooperation
no adhesion contracts
almost all skin and hair types
best technology
all technologies available on the market
painless treatment
over 100.000 treatments
over 15 years of experience

Fotoset Ärztekooperation
Separator Medical Cross

Do prices differ according to technology?

The treatment prices do not necessarily differ due to the technology selected, but much more due to the selected body region. This gives you much more freedom of choice in all decisions regarding your treatment. If you don’t yet have a clear idea of which technology is the most effective for you, your skin and your hair – please don’t worry. A free consultation at our institute in Karlsruhe is just the right thing for this!

prices illustration all techniques one price

Our specialist staff with many years of experience will draw up a treatment plan tailored to you and your needs, answer all your questions and, of course, also provide information about your personal treatment price.

hair removal for women

Every body region

Icon Illustration Woman

Package prices**
hair removal for women

** Prices per treatment with the Haarfreiheit PREMIUM plan. All further pricing details will be provided during your personal consultation. Prices apply per treatment. Apprentices and students receive a 5% discount upon presenting a valid student or training ID.

Combine body zones and save money

Due to different combination possibilities you have the option to save a lot of money. If you have already thought about treating several body regions, we can work with you to put together a treatment package tailored to your needs, which will ultimately reduce the costs for you.

Man woman package pricing illustration

hair removal for men

Every body region

Mann Illustration Regionen

Package pricing**
hair removal for men

** Prices per treatment with the Haarfreiheit PREMIUM plan. All further pricing details will be provided during your personal consultation. Prices apply per treatment. Apprentices and students receive a 5% discount upon presenting a valid student or training ID.

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    **Here you will find our privacy policy.

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